Sunday, August 4, 2013

Robert Palmer : Can We Still be Friends
Robert Palmer during his iconic
rock and roll moment
      Good morning and welcome to the Sunday morning mellow down.  Last night Robert Palmer and Moon Martin rocked the house.  Today we've got chores to do and maybe later we might catch a few minutes of the NFL Hall of Fame game or perhaps visit with some friends before having to get ready to rejoin the workforce tomorrow.  In the meantime you need some cool out music to help you eat a late breakfast before you get started on those annoying chores.  This is a great song to have in the background of your day.    
JJ Cale
Tomorrow is the beginning of Summer Week and I will be featuring some of the best music of the season.  I think you'll enjoy the eclectic group of songs I've put together.  Also  please don't forget that Tuesday is request day and queued up is JJ Cale who recently passed away leaving a trail of broken hearts and popular music in his wake...

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