Sunday, August 18, 2013

noise pollution on from unwanted commercials

Youtube is now, sometimes, running unwanted & noisy ads when you open a page on their site.  It interferes with this blog and your enjoyment when you follow a link from my blog to that website hoping to see and more importantly hear something I've asked you to listen to.

While there is nothing I can do about it I want to apologize to my readers if a link to Youtube is interfered with by an unwanted noisy ad playing over the music.  This is happening because Youtube is the property of Google who is trying to find a ways to make money.  It is a case of free enterprising undermining the very art they are trying to sell.  I wish they would find another way to fill their wallets aside from interfering with me and you.

It sucks and I hope they fix it soon.  But mostly I hope it doesn't stop you from visiting and enjoying my blog...


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