Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I am back!!! Thanks for waiting...

      I want to thank all of my readers for their patience during my hiatus. The reason for the break is that other writing gigs demanded my attention.  With those gigs either on hold, finished, or dried up, I have some time to return home to you and the blog.  Other work will prevent me from returning to the hectic daily pace of those first three months, so I'm going to focus on quality not quantity.  I hope that you won't be disappointed if there isn't a new daily entry.  Please hang with me and I promise I will present as many new articles as possible.  Thanks for all the emails I've received while I've been off.  I am grateful for your encouragement and concern for me personally (I'm fine).  I am continuously amazed that anybody would find my writing interesting and enjoyable and you are the reason I am back.
Seriously, thank you,

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